A Stranger Year

One year ago today, I worked my last day at the bookstore. I can’t begin to describe the mix of terror and excitement I felt. This was only a week or two after the Wool Omnibus came out. I had yet to hit any bestseller lists; I hadn’t yet signed with an agent; there was no film deal, no foreign deals. Just a handful of 99 cent and $1.99 titles selling well enough to replace what I was making shelving books.

The demands on my time were starting to grow, which was why I put in my notice. I decided to give this career a shot. For the three years prior, I’d been writing and publishing at a furious pace but working a day job on the side to pay my meager bills. Working in a university bookstore meant interacting with a lot of authors; a good portion of the faculty wrote. We had a visiting writers program, and I worked most of those events. Everyone I knew who wrote had a day job. There just isn’t much hope of paying the bills by the pen alone.

Hence my trepidation. But I’d taken a lot of risks in my life, and I never regretted a one. All of my boating jobs and wild adventures took place because I dared to say “Yes.” I knew I could get another day job if it came to that. I still know this. I think most of my fear, to be honest, was that I would fail at being a writer. Failing in other areas of my life hasn’t been too painful, but those weren’t childhood dreams. Being a writer is something I’ve aspired to for a very long time. Sucking at it would crush a fanciful image I hold of myself. A person I dream I might become.

The very first thing I did as a full-time writer was speak at my childhood library. The timing was pure coincidence. I had agreed to speak at the annual meeting some months prior. A friend of my parents’ from my hometown bumped into me at the bookstore and asked what I was up to. I mentioned the writing, and she said it would be cool to have me return to the library I grew up in and bring everything full circle. She couldn’t have known that she was kicking off the start of a new circle as much as ending an old one. (Heh. Circles don’t end, do they?)

That was one year ago. I showed up at the library, and I’ll never forget helping them unstack chairs and arrange them in front of a podium. It felt natural to help. This was what I used to do at the bookstore: set up for an author to speak. One of the ladies arranging the chairs turns to another and says, “I don’t think we’ll need this many. I mean, who’s ever heard of this Hugh Howey?”

I was standing right beside her when she said this. She was practically look at me. “I’m Hugh Howey,” I said, almost apologetically. And what if she was right? What if no one showed up? It was true that hardly anyone had heard of me. It feels like that should still be the case.

I’m not used to the idea that strangers are reading my work. Maybe this makes more sense when you release books the traditional route. You have this years-long buildup of querying and submissions and finally a book deal. And then a year before the book comes out to get used to the idea of being an author. There’s a big splash in bookstores — your first release — and you expect strangers are reading your work. You hope for it!

The self-publishing route is a slow burn. My books have been out there for years, mostly read by friends and family. Sure, some people I hardly know have read my Molly Fyde series or picked up Wool, but I can always trace them through three Facebook links. They are friends of cousins of coworkers. The stranger bit has really snuck up on me. It still hasn’t sunk in, to be honest. So many of my readers now friend me on Facebook or email me that it still feels like people I know. I’m not famous, I swear. No part of me feels like I am or that I should be. Authors should remain invisible while their work (one hopes) gains some notoriety. Or maybe I’m just uncomfortable with the thought.

That’s why yesterday’s encounter serves as a bizarre and apropos bookend to this year of strangers. My wife works at the university here in town (it’s why we moved here in June. It puts us closer to her family, which has been great). Yesterday, she sat with a group of faculty in the cafeteria. At some point, she left to call me or to take my call. When she got back, one of the professors was agape.The story I’m about to relate is uncomfortable for me and probably uncomfortable for the faculty member (who reads this blog, I hear. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself). I paraphrase on the side of caution. That is: I have toned the excitement down.

My wife got back to the table, and this faculty member looks at her and asks, incredulously: “You aren’t married to Hugh Howey, are you?”

You can imagine how stunned and confused Amber must’ve been. “Yeah,” she said.

The Hugh Howey?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“The writer?”

“My husband is a writer, yeah.”

While my wife had been outside on the phone, someone had mentioned that she was talking to me and what I did for a living. And then my name came up. One of the faculty members thought they were joking.

“Your husband is my favorite author,” she said to Amber. And for the next fifteen minutes, my wife heard a string of superlatives she wished she had recorded because she can’t remember half of it. The professor’s favorite book of mine is Half Way Home, but she loves Wool. She’s read everything except for I, Zombie, but she has a copy of that, anyway. Amber told her to email me or get in touch. The professor said “No way.” She said she follows my blog (*waves*) but never comments. Amber told her I was normal. Less than normal. Boring. The professor, meanwhile, went on and on.

Of course, I fell out while hearing the account. What are the chances? This person has no direct or even cousin-and-coworker indirect connection to me. We just moved here. My books aren’t yet in bookstores. I don’t feel like this stuff should be happening to me. Friends of mine shouldn’t see strangers on buses and subways holding paperback copies of Wool — and yet they have. Someone I know shouldn’t have a relative recommend my books to them without hearing it from them first — and yet they have. And for certain, a faculty member at my wife’s university shouldn’t list me as her favorite author — and yet she does.

I’ve had some strange years, but this has been a stranger one, for sure. A year that started with me as a stranger to a library worker. A year that ended with my wife hearing from a complete stranger how much she loves my work. And stranger and stranger things have peppered nearly every day in between.

The talk at the library went great a year ago. The lady who had never heard of me came up afterward beaming. She complimented my speech and asked if I would come back. And the people who stood in the back of the room the entire time I spoke — they didn’t seem to mind the lack of chairs.

60 responses to “A Stranger Year”

  1. Don’t ever get used to it, Hugh. Enjoy it with wide-eyed wonder that occasionally erupts in impromptu dance moves. Getting used to it would spoil the fun.

    But while you are filled with wonder, none of it surprises me in the least. Which is my way of saying, “TOLDJA!!”

  2. I found out about you from my co-worker. I knew your books would be good because he’s the pickiest reader I know. Wool wasn’t exactly my normal sci-fi or fantasy genre I’m used to reading, but they have become my favorite books of all time because they’re so well written and have such great stories that really captured me. Congrats on all your success Hugh, you’ve earned it man. I hope that you just keep being surprised by more and more success, and thanks for working so hard to crank out your stories because the world needs more literature by Hugh Howey. I’ve since told everyone I can about Wool and everyone reports back that your books are amazing. My favorite part is that from your videos and interviews you are such an awesome humble dude with all this success. It is so cool to see a great guy like you in the place you are with your writing. You’re a fantastic role model for an aspiring author like me. So thanks for being a great author, and a cool dude Hugh. I’m glad I didn’t read your amazing books to find out that in real life you’re kind of a jerk. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. You’re the man Hugh. Keep it up.

  3. Hugh that’s one of the big reasons, besides the writing which I do love, that I’ve become such a fan. You’re completely ‘normal’. I appreciate the way you remain open and available to your fans. Don’t change a thing. You’re an inspiration to my wife and I.

    1. Hugh,

      I second this! It is amazing that you have been able to stay so humble even though your last year has been soooo amazing. I remember reading your comment when you met George RR Martin and how down to earth he was, and can’t help but think of that when I read your post. I can’t imagine what it felt like for Amber to tell you that story. Keep up the amazing work, and being an inspiration for so many!

  4. I went to a function the other day and happened to overhear someone talking about Halfway Home. I was like – wow! Someone else knows who my favorite author is!!! It was really neat. :)

  5. Jan in Richmond, VA Avatar
    Jan in Richmond, VA

    It’s almost an anniversary for me too. On February 9, 2012, while perusing the recommendations on Amazon, I found a little gem call Wool by an unknown to me, Hugh Howey. I plunked down my 99 cents and started reading. I was back up ordering book 2 within an hour. I went back and order 3, 4 and 5 without a thought. [I was not aware of the omnibous]. I did some searching and found your facebook page and friended you. I believe you had about 30 friends at the time. I remember telling my husband that I had just read the best science fiction book that I had read in a decade. I am soooo happy for you. It also shows that I have good taste in books. Never lose your sense of wonder and don’t forget to open an IRA.

    1. Jan your comment inspired me to take a look at my Amazon purchase history. My date was October 11, 2012 (a little late to the game I know). I’ll never remember what sequence of browsing and clicks caused me to come across the Wool Omnibus that day (I had never heard a thing about Wool or Hugh Howey), but I’m sure glad I did. The $5.99 I paid has made these last 3-4 months completely different than they would have been. What a ride. Amazing how seemingly insignificant moments can change everything ;)

  6. Hugh, your post brought tears to my eyes. Your work deserves all the success it has found, and you remain one of the nicest writers it’s been my pleasure to encounter.

    1. *sniff* Not . . . gonna . . . cry . . .

  7. Hugh, you are an inspiration to so many people to follow their dreams. Never stop taking risks!

  8. I am sharing the heck out of this blog post….

  9. Hugh,
    I’m a complete stranger — I just am a sci-fi fan and constantly browse the Amazon Kindle bestseller lists. I read Wool probably 7-8 months ago and have recommended it to others as well. I love the books and just purchased Third Shift last night (haven’t read it yet though).
    This blog also gives hope to me — an aspiring writer. I would love to write my own books and will someday, but it seems like I never have the time. I know I will and your relentlessness gives me reason to believe I will. Thanks for what you do and keep it up!

  10. That’s a great story! You really are going to have to get used to such things. Talent and quality work get noticed. Word of mouth remains much more powerful that deliberate marketing, and will always be so among readers. All the advertising in the world can’t replace an enthusiastic recommendation from a fellow reader. I’ll bet Amber was less surprised by that conversation than you were. :)

    I might have found your books at some point, shopping the Kindle store. I found them a whole lot faster because Mollie told my son that she thought I might like your books, and I should search for WOOL. I trusted that even while wondering how the heck knitting fits in a SF story.Well, then.

    It’s your skill and talent that make it work. May you never grow tired of being surprised by the results.

  11. What can I add to all ^… You are the exception to the rule Hugh!

  12. Congrats man, that’s only the beginning of what I believe will be an even grrrreater journey. You’ve worked your face off and taken risks – getting yourself out there and writing books that some people will not like and even bash.

    I always said that you can become of Sci-Fi new grrreatest.
    Don’t squander that opportunity – your stories not only entertain but also inspire people to follow their own creative spark. Here’s to a glorious 2013 !

  13. Wow, what a great feeling that must be. I have a similar story about you that you might enjoy.

    I was sitting in my school library around the spring of last year, reading First Shift. Two friends were sitting near me discussing your rival author’s books, ASOIAF. Their calculus teacher walked by and joined their conversation, and after a few minutes asked me what I was reading. I started describing it: “It’s this really good self-published post-apocalyptic fiction story–” and he interrupted with “WOOL!” He said it was popular in the blogosphere. That was only 9 months ago and now it’s pretty popular in the whole worldosphere.

    Congrats, Hugh. You deserve all the success that’s coming to you.

    a complete stranger

    1. Wow. That’s awesome. I LOVE stories like this!

  14. I live in London- a friend I met via twitter recommended Wool to me. It is hands down the best sci-fi I’ve read in years, and took me back to when I was first discovering sci-fi, reading Asimov etc as a kid. Looking forward to seeing this on bookshelves, and seeing a film of it!

    1. It’s on your bookshelves now! Some places are selling the hardback for 5 pounds. Tell your friends! Buy multiple copies! :D

  15. You’re hitting the Big Time!
    On a selfish level, and completely aside from being a fan of your stories, I am very much enjoying watching this happen for you in real time, as opposed to finding your books in 10 (or 20 or more) years and then way down the road reading about how you became an author and a groundbraking pioneer in self-publishing. I am always late to the party that way, but not this time! So this has been fun for your fans too.

    Sending my continued best wishes and I look forward to many many MANY more books to come!

  16. I was at that library reading, and what Hugh didn’t tell you was the rest of what she said: “I don’t know why we are putting all these chairs out. Who has heard of Hugh Howey?”…. Not only did they need all chairs, but it was the largest crowd ever and standing room only. As we southerners say, “Bless her heart”

  17. Hugh, I’ve probably mentioned this before, but for the sake of tracking back your FB links and such, one of my best GFs, who lives in Texas (I live in California), rec’ed it to me without any need for explanation. When I finally asked her where she’s heard of you, she said you showed up on her Kindle rec list. She’s far more adventurous in trying out new reading material. I’m FAR MORE picky. Wool has been as delicious as some of the awesome fanfic I indulge in my favorite fandoms, and I think it’s because of the model you’ve followed, which, I guess has no model. You just write incredibly well and keep our attention with having our minds always thinking about the implications of all that’s going on in your stories:D

  18. Wonderful….absolutely wonderful.

  19. WOW!!! Is all I can say! I just stumbled upon your books a few weeks ago on Amazon. I have already been though all of the Wool and Shift books. I can’t put them down. You are truly talented. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. By the way…when is DUST coming out? I need to know how it ends!!!!
    Best of luck to you always.

    1. July-ish on Dust. And thanks!

  20. William Jacques Avatar

    I stand by one of my initial comments to you: The thing you should value the most are not the standard measures of literary success you now rightfully enjoy, but the positive hopeful feelings you have successfully transfered through your work and behavior. If it all ended tomorrow (which it isn’t), it wouldn’t matter – your legacy will remain intact.

    Hugh, this is one of the best blog entries you’ve written. Every creative writing teacher should show it to her students. However, there is one outstanding mistake – Amber’s definition of “normal” needs some alignment.

  21. Hugh, you inspire me. Thank you.

  22. You got Kevin Bacon’d, Hugh!

    Keep on being a normal guy, but enjoy the happiness of your success.

  23. So incredibly glad to be a stranger. Your year has been stranger because of that association. Mine has simply been better.

  24. I studied abroad at ASU in 2010 and you came to speak about writing to my Adolescent Literature class. I enjoyed the talk so much that I thought I’d go to the bookstore and buy Molly Fyde, even though I had never really enjoyed scifi before. The guy who served me said “did you know the author works here, he’s not in today but if you come back tomorrow he would be happy to sign it for you.” I was too shy and afraid of looking weird to come back! But I *really* enjoyed Molly Fyde and have been following you ever since – thanks for being so friendly, and writing such great books!

  25. I just want you to know that I happened across WOOL while looking for books on wool when I was on amazon. I had never heard of you before that and don’t know any friends of friends. Now, even though I haven’t met you, I think of you as a friend, so I guess you can consider the 30 or so friends I forced to read WOOL as friends of friends.
    Congratulations on your amazing year. I knew when I read the first WOOL book that this was going to happen for you. I’m really glad it happened so quickly. I remember telling you that your number for facebook friends was going to double in 6 months. I think it turned out to be about 3 months.

  26. Wow, what a fantastic story! :D

    I first heard of Wool through iO9. They posted a fanmade trailer for Wool. (The trailer seems to have disappeared from the internet). At first I thought the trailer was generic and boring (probably because it was rubbish).
    Later the same day I was bored, so I google’d “Hugh Howey Wool”. The first thing I found was a youtube video of a guy unboxing a book. I quickly understood this was the author himself. This clip was not generic at all. While unboxing he was super enthusiastic, and yet so humble. It was pure joy and happiness. I was ashamed for judging this book by it’s trailer (which wasn’t even made by any officials).

    I immediately bought Wool Omnibus off Amazon, but since I had a ton of homework that week I told myself I wouldn’t open it before it was all over, a week later. That week was a total terror. I hadn’t read a single sentence of Wool, or any other of Hugh Howey’s works, yet still I was super eager to read Wool. I just couldn’t understand why. When I first started reading, I realised I should have been even more stoked. This was SO DAMN GOOD.

    Wool is my absolute favorite book these days, and I tell all my friends to check it out. I even told the library where I live (Trondheim, Norway) to buy a copy of Wool, and to my surprise, they had already ordered three copies.

    Good luck on your journey, Hugh. I can’t wait to see what comes next!

    1. Good going at Folkebiblioteket. Heads up from another Trondheim based Wool fan!

  27. Hi Hugh – I’m a stranger and I just finished the Wool Omnibus. I was about to leave for lunch and realized I didn’t have any unread books on my kindle to read during lunch (having just finished Wool last night). I admit I’d never heard of you or Wool until I saw some reviews on Amazon. The reviews were all so unfailingly positive that I just bought the Omnibus rather than pick my way through and boy am I glad I did. Recalling the hughhowey.com website you posted at the end I figured I’d come here to see what other books you might have and instead just read your amazing story about looking back. I don’t know you but I’m very happy for you to have been able to pursue a dream and find success – and to obviously be able to get so much joy out of it in the process. I’m now going to hit up Amazon and purchase the Shift omnibus and continue enjoying this fantastic world you’ve created. Thank you so much!

  28. Thanks for sharing your story, Hugh. No doubt your post will inspire others to keep on plugging away at their dreams…whether they are writing related or not…even while they keep working at their day jobs.

  29. Dear Hugh,

    You might remember I’m waiting for the Spanish translation of WOOL to get a few copies for friends & family, and to recommend it to everyone else.

    I’m a complete stranger (even if your replies here, by email, and on social networks carry this strage feeling of knowing you). I’ve read all of the WOOL series (just finishing Third shift now) and I’ve read all of the Molly Fyde books.

    More over, while I was reading Molly Fyde I used a *very* sweetened/softened version of it as a bed-time tale for my 8 year old daughter. And she loved it. She would tell my every night: “Dad, Have you read more of the Molly Fyde story today?”
    I had to remove quite a few things of it to make it appropriate for her :) But I’ll encourage her to read the “full version” when she’s old enough.

    Keep writing the way you do it.
    Keep behaving the way you do.

    With your writing you speak inside our minds, you take us to another place to live incredible tales.
    With your personal story of hard work, honesty and well deserved success you give us hope.

    Thanks, Hugh.

    1. No way! How sweet is that? :)

  30. No way your boring as you quoted above! With the depth and breadth of your work (and I’ve read 3/4 of it by now) you must have a plethora of knowledge on a million topics.

  31. As a complete stranger just finishing the 3 rd of the Molly Fyde books and having read the rest. I have to say that your work is excellent! Even more exciting however is that I get to use you as an example of what hard work and creativity can accomplish when working with young people. Part of yor attraction to this audience is that you are still one of us! You still have the same fears and ordeals we do and it gives your work a feel of initimacy with the reader. Keep up the good work and don’t let the success blind like only hyperspace does.

    Dan from Dayton

  32. Incredible…It makes me so overwhelmingly happy to hear about your success, Mr Howey ;) And to think I’m selling copies of my book at the ASU bookstore right now.
    Thank you for your writing. Don’t ever stop.
    Kelsey Day Marlett

  33. HH,
    I’ve spent the majority of the last seven years deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan… Sadly, my adjustment back to civillian life has been a struggle, I suffer with chronic PTSD… It’s hard to put in words, but reading your WOOL series books has given me a new sense of hope, which has provoked confidence when dealing with complicated thoughts… And in many bad situations I read your words just as a way to escape (avoid)…

    I consider you a friend,


    1. Wow, James. I consider you a friend. And a hero. Thank you for your service, and all the best to you in recovering from your trauma.

  34. This is inspirational. I’m sharing this post.

  35. your modesty and humility do you great credit, Hugh. I have been writing and self-pubbing in obscurity for a couple of decades now, and about 4 years ago a fandom group discovered me and I developed a sort of ‘bubble’ of fans which has evened out to about 200 people who read my work regularly. I have never sold more than a bare handful of books – I just distribute them. But it gave me an experience I needed: complete strangers for whom I became their favorite author. It is wonderful for you that it has translated into an actual living, and that is a blessing. I still have my dayjob and it pays me handsomely – I’ll worry about doing more marketing after I retired – at least I’ll have plenty of time for it. But that humility will serve you well in the long run – it makes up for the humiliation those of us who know we have talent and which the market ignores, but which discerning readers never ignore. Your Molly books, however ignored, are purely as good as your Wool books. We all know it – it’s all a matter of perception ‘out there.’ And yeah, it’s strange and feels very strange, but in time, you may get used to acknowledging without hesitation that you are worthy to be someone’s favorite author. :) And I am glad to know you.

  36. I purchased Wool 8 yesterday and just finished it today, god what a fantastic book this is. Please, please, please keep up the excellent writing.
    I hear you have a movie deal with the Wool series. I really hope you have alot of control over the script.
    Congrats on your much deserved success as an author.

  37. Dec 29, 2011. I had started a self published zompoc book and didn’t care for it, so started browsing for something else. Wool was in the Amazon recommendations. Never heard of it or you, but the reviews were strong and I thought, what the heck. 99 cents for a quick read. Dude, you had me at “The children were playing while Holston climbed to his death;”. Such a powerful start. I dove in and kept reading and found it so different in style and quality from the other cheap fanfic-like books I’d been reading. My amazon account shows I downloaded the next 3 books a few days later and moved on to the rest of your work right after that. I found your Facebook page and discovered I went to high school with your editor’s husband. That eventually led to reconnecting with him and meeting you in Chicago. Such a small world. You were so nice to spend time with us and talk about your writing. Even before that, you were so approachable on FB and emails and seemed generally thrilled when I sheepishly offered to point out a few typos I found in your ebooks. I was sure you’d be upset or blow me off. Your humility is a big part of what makes us such loyal fans. Thanks for writing and being the guy you are. Now shut up and take my money. ;)

  38. Hugh, your thoughts about your career and your readers and everything that has happened to you this past year are so humble and kind. Please continue to be the wonderful person that you are; don’t let this rollercoaster ride affect you in any way other than positive! We all appreciate you sharing the ride with us. It is a unique and lovely experience!

    By the way…May 25, 2012. That’s when my kindle recommended Wool. :)

  39. Add me to the complete strangers list Hugh. I’ve only read the WOOL omnibus and am currently halfway through the Shift omnibus but I just can’t seem to put it down. I have been recommending your work to all my friends over the last few days. I can’t wait to read some of your other work…as soon as I finish finding out how the latest reset turns out…

  40. I absolutely inhaled Third Shift, and now have a very strong urge to carry around a coffee mug stating “We’re # 1!” Ha! Thanks, Hugh!

  41. Your story is very inspiring. I’ve read your blog to my wife on and off since I discovered it months ago and we both admire the way you connect to your readers. It feels like we are sitting across the table from you and listening to you tell us your wonderful adventures. It is great to hear about your well-deserved success.

  42. Wow, popular blog post! I’d heard of you and Wool through my Facebook timeline. A friend’s friend had commented on his wall, recommending Wool Omnibus and I’d managed to check Facebook at just the right moment to see it…decided to search it on Amazon as I’d just finished A Dance with Dragons and was utterly flabbergasted to see how many flippin’ 5 star ratings it had; More than any ASoIaF book! I knew, at that instant, that it was a must read (yes, I am that shallow…stats pick my books, ha).

    1. You might be let down coming from Martin. He’s amazing.

  43. I have a hard time believing that it has only been a year. Your Wool was recommend in my reader’s group like a bug that past from one person than to the next. A couple hours later I am looking for Wool 2. Not long after I then see you upsetting the world of writers. I recall a blog that used you and your Wool series as an example how independent writers such you and Amazon are braking from traditional paths a writer must take. I got the impression that the author of the bloc wanted to know if this was cheating. “Did you just see that? He cut to the front! Is he allowed to do that, can I do that, and who is he? ”
    OK. I admit I my reply, like everything I do in life, was a bit over the top. I could have summed it up better and just said I do not need a publishing house telling me what I should read. You are undoubtedly a wonderful author who deserves all the good that may come your way.
    I just want to say “thanks, for letting us readers to choose to like you and your talent without a big publisher pushing me”
    really? Only a year, wow! You’re good.

  44. Well Hugh I have to say Wool is one of the best books I’ve read in a while. I stumbled onto you while visiting my favorite movie related website joblo.com. They were talking about this book Wool and how it was going to be made into a movie. The premise sounded interesting, so I bought Wool Omnibus. I couldn’t put the book down! Keep up the amazing work, and I hope we will see some more from the world of Wool in the near future! Do you do book signings? I would love to get my book signed if you do!

  45. Hugh–
    I should probably leave a comment and not just lurk on this page… I’m the professor in this story you told. Your wife did not exaggerate, I am a *HUGE* fan and indeed have been so excited to find out that I know someone who knows you. I never imagined that our lives would intersect at all– I knew you lived in the same town as me, but so does Celine Dion and I never seem to meet up with her!
    I can imagine that it must be very strange indeed for you to think that you are a superstar, and hope that you continue to enjoy the sensation. You’ve earned it– you are a terrific writer. Your books have such strong characterizations and realistic worlds.
    Just for the record that is why I’m not reading I, Zombie– I’ve read the description and knowing how well you create characters and scenarios I’m fairly certain I’d be too disturbed to read the whole thing. So it’s a complement to you really, not reading this book of yours.
    I do hope we get the chance to meet someday and promise not to act like a groupie (too much).
    All the best.
    PS. Thanks for letting me make it on to your blog, I’ve been bragging about it all day. I believe I’ve pursuaded a few more people to buy your books in the process too!

    1. OMG!!! Celine Dion lives here?!

      I’m really glad you checked in. I was hoping you’d see the blog post and know how much your encounter with Amber meant to me. It blew me away, hearing her tell it. We absolutely have to meet up sometime. Maybe I’ll come eat lunch in the cafeteria with Amber one day.

      Oh, and good on you for skipping I, ZOMBIE. It’s the right move.


      PS: Let me know how much I owe you in commission for all the sales!

  46. I don’t know anybody in your family–or anyone who has read your books. But I’ve read and enjoyed quite a number of them and hope you write many more.

    Former long time bookseller here and it is nice to see one make it. :) Keep that awe of it all. It’s healthy.

  47. Huh, I just found Wool the day I bought my Kindle sometime in the past year. It was the first thing Amazon recommended to me. I always figured that’s how most people found it.

    I’m in a number of book sharing circles and I admit I’ve been as lazy as F–k this year. Normally I search out really great books I own (or used to own that are available on Bookmooch etc) to send out as my part of the contribution. This past year I’ve just bought eight copies of Wool Omnibus and just sent the damn thing out over and over. It was new to everyone and almost everyone just raved about it. (One guy said you were to antithesis of hope and wondered what happened to you during childhood that led to such a soul crushing novel… but the other seven absolutely loved it.)

    Now that the books are getting more press I’m probably going to have to go back to searching out other books to share. Such a shame, it’s been a nice break for me.

    1. Ha! If only that guy knew. I’m the most optimistic person imaginable. :)

      Thanks for gifting the book. You are awesome.

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