
  • What happened to my brain?!

    I had a curious revelation this weekend. It occurred between a four-hour session of processing ballet photos and the publication of WOOL 3. I realized, damnit, that I’ve become an artist. And I don’t mean that in the sense of someone with talent, or someone who makes beautiful things, but just in the economic and… Continue reading

  • Therapy

    I wake up in darkness, which is like not waking up at all. It’s more like a shift in dreams, a lateral slide from blank unknowning to bewildered confusion. It’s a birthing into nightmare, a blinded child created in utter void with some horrific sense that all is not right. It is everywhere dark about… Continue reading

  • Wool

    My current project is another short novella, about the length of The Plagiarist. I’m really enjoying working with the constraints of 10,000 – 15,000 words. Developing characters and an interesting story in this frame is a challenge, but the reward is a piece of fiction readers can digest in a sitting. This is film adapted… Continue reading

  • The Black Beast

    In the Long Ago there was a beast who couldn’t be caught. She roamed the woods by a small village, where the men would hunt for her and the women would lay traps for her, but the beast could not be caught. She taunted them from the tree line in their own tongue, calling out… Continue reading

  • The Plagiarist: Chapter One

    The familiar glow-in-the-dark sticker held Adam’s attention. He lost himself in it—it was some kind of radioactive bee lighting on a flower, a thirsty tongue hanging out of a goofy smile. The sticker clung to the frame of his beat-up computer screen, keeping peace with a half dozen others that he’d nervously picked away to… Continue reading