
  • The May 2014 Author Earnings Report

    The latest report just went live. This was as exciting for us as the first 50K report we ran, because we had no idea which way the needle might move, if it moved at all. We are now able to look at how e-book sales move over time. As we get more of these daily… Continue reading

  • Being Forced to Sit in the Backlist

    Imagine selling two million books, having half a dozen of your novels hit the New York Times bestseller list, being inundated with thousands of fan emails every month, and then having someone call you an “aspiring writer.” That’s what happened to some authors in New Orleans this weekend, when the planners of the RT Booklovers… Continue reading

  • Publishing is More than Books

    The disruption of the publishing industry can be seen far beyond mere books. Trade publishing (general fiction and non-fiction books) are heavily impacted and get most of the attention, but think of all the other forms of publishing that have been hammered, some of them into near non-existence. Once you start looking, you see this… Continue reading

  • James Ollier’s LIFEBOATS

    This is freaking insane. Several musicians have gotten in touch with me to share their WOOL-inspired music (and even entire albums), but this is the first with lyrics that reference the silos. James Ollier just Tweeted that he wrote this after reading the WOOL trilogy. His voice is haunting. This is just my kind of… Continue reading

  • A Quaint System for Publishing

    It won’t be long before we look back and marvel at how bestselling books are produced today. The system of remote production by disparate artists, followed by their discovery by publishing houses, won’t be around forever. There are too many inefficiencies, lost opportunities, and glaring weaknesses in this system. This really hit me in Berlin at… Continue reading