
  • All Things SILO

    Okay … there’s a LOT happening right now, and the show hasn’t even launched yet. Here are a few of the fun places to pop into and discuss the show with fellow woolites and silozens: There’s a FB group (come join us!) A subreddit A discord chat (weekly episode discussions!) A podcast (I just listened… Continue reading

  • The SILO Premiere

    I almost didn’t believe this would happen, even as I took my seat and the credits started rolling. For twelve years, I haven’t really let myself believe that a TV show or a film based on one of my novels would ever get made. But last Tuesday, in London, I started to believe. This Friday… Continue reading

  • AI, Sexbots, and Mosquitoes

    Mosquitos kill millions of humans a year. They have killed more humans than all wars combined. No other animal on Earth comes close to their murdering prowess. Which is why serious efforts are underway to drive the worst offenders to extinction. There are hundreds of species of mosquito, but only a handful that bear most… Continue reading

  • The Virus

    Over two and a half billion years ago, a simple photosynthesizing bacterium emerged on planet Earth. Having stumbled upon a way to convert sunlight and CO2 into energy, it began releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. So much oxygen that anaerobic life was utterly destroyed. This mass extinction is known as the Great Oxygenation Event. It… Continue reading

  • Ideas and Execution

    I’ve lost count of how many times someone has told me that they have a great idea for a book, would I like to write it and we’ll split the money? It never ceases to make me laugh. The idea is the easy part, I tell them. Execution is everything. Ideas come in a flash,… Continue reading