
  • Submit. But Don’t Say “Uncle.”

    There’s this one scene in The Matrix that gives me goosebumps every time. It isn’t Neo learning Kung Fu from a compact flash chip. It isn’t the woman in the red dress or the rooftop chase. It’s not even the spectacular lobby scene, which has probably killed countless home theater speaker cones. No, it’s the very… Continue reading

  • Some Things Children Can Learn From Dr. Seuss (A Guest Post by Nikolas Baron)

    “That’s why I tell you to keep your eyes wide. Keep them wide open… at least on one side”. – Dr. Seuss I went to an old bookstore the other day, and while browsing the selection of books catered for children, amid the Spongebob Square Pants and Dora the Explorer cartoons, I spotted a treasure… Continue reading

  • I Suck at Writing

    A few of you are nodding. But for those who don’t believe me, I assure you that my writing skills are well below par. Watching a rough draft emerge from my fingertips in realtime would induce nausea. It’s a haphazard, drunken affair. But I’m a decent editor. That’s my trick, and the trick to turning… Continue reading

  • A Letter from ‘Lil Kris

    Dear Hugh Howey UK Fans: I want to take a moment to thank British fans for your patience regarding the availability of the full eBook version of SAND, his new novel, at UK retail outlets—especially when it had been made available on this side of the pond. I acknowledge your frustration; I embrace your right… Continue reading

  • A One-Man Operation

    So, my publisher in Taiwan is a badass. Yes, a singular badass. Erik runs Nautilus Publishing all by himself. He designs the cover art, writes the blurbs, translates the books, answers the phone, handles email, and tugs handcarts loaded with books to his booth at the Taiwan International Book Fair Exposition. And everything he touches… Continue reading