Number Five is ALIVE!!

Props to you if you know what campy mega-hit SF film that line is from.

WOOL 5 is out. Here’s the link.


15 responses to “Number Five is ALIVE!!”

  1. Thanks, Hugh! Purchased and reading NOW on my iPad! Now how the hell am I supposed to work today when 5 is just sitting there, waiting…

    1. This is a problem many people have come to me with. Here’s my solution package:

      1. If you work for yourself, just read and enjoy. You’ve earned it.
      2. If you have a boss, send him/her a copy of the first WOOL and get them hooked. They’ll be too busy to notice you’re slacking.
      3. If you don’t have a job . . . have people started pirating my books yet? Check the Torrentz. Lemme know.

  2. 33% through and loving it! Will try #2…

  3. I thought my computer would short circuit when I saw that Wool 5 was released already! What an excellent surprise!

  4. Ahhh! So excited! I wish I didn’t have to teach class today so I could just curl up and have a read-a-thon!

  5. How convenient, Hugh. I had no lunch plans today and how thrilled I was to see this live on Amazon….might be a bit longer lunch than usual today!

    Thanks for putting out such *quality* fiction!

  6. Shoot, Williamsusaf gave the movie away. Still, I am shrugging.

  7. Short Circuit…

    Thanks for putting this out there Hugh… already started…

  8. Done!!! Solution #2 did not work as planned. However – I was sitting at the bar of my favorite local pub (after work, of course) reading Wool 5 while waiting for a friend. The owner stops by and asks me what I’m reading, so I start telling him about Wool and the author, and pretty soon I have five people standing around me asking more about the story, who’s this author, and where can I get the books? Three of them each wrote your name on a napkin and said they were going to look you up on Amazon. So then my friend shows up, we have a few beers and eat dinner, and I finally make it home and finish the book at 1 am. Perfect evening! (Absolutely loved it! Review published – #8… ***** ;-) )

    1. You are awesome! Thanks for spreading the word and for telling me all about it! Made my morning.

      Now I’m off to read your review! :D

  9. Been telling anyone that has ears about the Wool series. Undoubtedly my fave series EVER. Checked out Half Way Home, as promised, and found another gem. You’ve earned a life-long fan and i can’t wait to dig into the Molly Fyde series. Oh yeah, what a treat it was to see Wool 5 come out two weeks early. Keep the surprises coming. Stay up playa!

    1. Favorite series ever?!


  10. I think you should do a dance video for piraterobot.

  11. Johnny 5 is Alive!

    I just discovered the wool series a few weeks back and have been blown away by your work. I am normally a sci-fi space exploration type reader, but was HOOKED after reading Wool 1.

    The world you have created is one of the most fascinating realms I have immersed myself into in recent memory. Keep up the good work! And I hop you were serious in your Wool 5 Q&A about more to come…

    1. Haha. A lot of Short Circuit fans. Awesome.

      Thanks for the kind words; they really do mean a lot. And yeah, more is to come. But as with every twist and turn in the series, it might not be what you expect… ;)

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