A Little Something Extra

What more can you do for your readers? How can you turn your ebooks into collectibles? How can you be creative with your print editions? A few of my ideas.

9 responses to “A Little Something Extra”

  1. Hey Hugh, as a fan I totally appreciate all of your creative little touches and how fun you are to watch. You put a lot of thought, time, and effort into everything and we eat it up! You give a lot of yourself to all of us, and we love it. You champion indie writers (and writers in general) and readers. And you have our attention. You connect with people.

    With that said, we are here to support you. To gobble up what you write because it’s just so flipping good. We enjoy learning from you, watching unboxing videos – cringing with the hope that you don’t do yourself bodily harm. We like sharing your books with others and watching them discover what we have found.

    And you know what? We’re going to stick around even when you get to the point that your special little touches get to be too much. So take care of yourself:)

    Hopefully I’m not speaking out of turn by using the universal “we” here:). But I’m pretty sure I’m not.

    Thanks dude.

    ps: I’m so pissed I never ordered my own “gruesome little snowflake”. You crack me up.

  2. Sand in Sand… Wonderful “annoying” idea,,,

    Go Hugh!

    Thumbs up!


  3. You forgot to mention the two covers you released for dust. I particularly liked that the cover with the fallout symbol stated that it was the “Ugly Edition” on the title page.

  4. It’s like crafting for guys.

    I marvel at the lack of creativity in a lot of author swag. Bookmarks? Really? There is so much more you can do, as you so ably demonstrate.

  5. I cant thank you enough for all the little touches that make that special moment of opening your packages that much more exciting. better than Christmas:)
    It is really appreciated.

  6. I love the creative touches. Frankly for me, all of this fun stuff beyond writing is one of the reasons to be an indie!

  7. LMAO – “Their own gruesome little snowflakes.” Just read Sand. Far too short. And I’m far too eager for the next one!

  8. You are an incredible inspiration, Hugh.

    Thanks for being generous with your time and ideas. I know that there’s an aspect of “platform”, “branding”, or “P.R.” involved, but it’s the best kind: honest giving.

  9. […] A Little Something Extra | Hugh Howey […]

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