A Tour of Wayfinder

Welcome aboard WAYFINDER. In a few days, we set sail around the Cape of Good Hope for Cape Town. In another few weeks, me and three companions will sail across the Atlantic for the Caribbean.

This is without a doubt the best cruising catamaran I’ve ever set foot on. It’s all due to the excellent workmanship by the fine men and women at St. Francis Marine.

16 responses to “A Tour of Wayfinder”

  1. Beautiful. And would be great refuge in a zombie apocalypse!

    1. Fantastic boat well laid out. Hope you keep your fans up to date as you sail around the world. I do have two suggestions for you the first, every place you have a pull out shelf behind cabinet doors have the manufacture install teflon or plastic strips on the inside of the door to protect the door from the shelf rails, Found this out the hard way when we refinished our kitchen. The rails did a nice job of scratching the inside of the cabinet doors. Second, a good heavy magnetic mat to place your metal tools on when you are working outside on the deck. That way your tools won’t end up in Davy Jones’ locker instead of your tool drawer.

  2. Incredible piece of work. Don’t know you from Adam, but couldn’t be happier for you.

  3. Safe travels, sir! I’ll be setting sail in January down the east coast and into the Caribbean. Fingers crossed I see ya down there!

  4. That’s one fantastic boat! Art on the high seas!
    And such a fun tour. Really enjoyed it. Thank you.
    I wish you and yours many joyful safe adventures :o)

  5. That’s really a cool boat! Wish you safe adventures. And sometimes, when you think it is time for skiing, than please tell me and i will show you the beautyful mountains in austria!;-)

  6. It finished up perfect. :-) Thank you for sharing your journey with the new boat.
    I can imagine you relaxing and writing with gentle waves rolling by. :-)

  7. Love it — and have loved watching it come together. Do you have any idea what the square footage is? (I made my mom watch the video, and she wants to know.)

  8. Stunning. I bet you’ve jumped up and down squealing a few times!

  9. Hugh,
    Your thoughts on the drop in KU payment. Some say it will keep dropping.

    1. I think we’ll see it stick around half a cent per page for a very long time. Down to 0.47 and up to 0.53.

      I’m happy with the payout rate. For a full-length novel, it’s right at the same compensation as a sale. And my data shows borrows lead to actual sales.

  10. Thanks much for sharing, Hugh. Most of us won’t ever have a chance to buy such a magnificent vessel (let alone have the skill to pilot it), so please keep the videos coming, especially once you’ve set sail! It’s good to live vicariously from time to time. :)

  11. Very impressive ship. (This should be the Hugh Howey signature series!)

    I keep a list of things I want to obtain on Trello.com. It contains items ranging from “a better coffee maker” to “laser eye surgery.”

    I just edited the list to include this exact model of catamaran. I don’t care the price (although I’d imagine it costs more than I should make in several lifetimes pursuing traditional employment).

    Once I own one, I’ll need to learn to manage and steer it and use boat-language. So my question is, will you consider taking individuals or couples on weekly / half-weekly training voyages? I’d imagine you have a lot of sailing expertise to offer a land-lubber such as I.

    No rush on that answer. I’ve only just started saving up for my boat after watching your tour.

  12. Hey Hugh, This is Stan , We meet years ago when you came to visit Pueblo,Co. I paint houses for your dad. I will be following your sailing adventure. Keep us up on your Wayfinder sail. Tour of boat is really cool. Looks like you have all one needs to to be on the sea. Have a great time.

  13. Hi,
    really love the “backstage” look at your beautiful boat! Crossing my fingers for some goPro shorts from the vast blue sea.

    Quick comment – I wasn’t sure where to post this, but I think I found a small glitch in Beacon 23: Pet Rocks. Or maybe it’s not an error. I was reading late. Early in Part 2, the lighthouse keeper mentions 8 dead and then he mentions four men and two women. I’m not generally a bean counter, but that stuck out. Unless, of course, it’s foreshadowing something I haven’t gotten to yet… Could be, eh?

    Thanks for the great stories and for sharing your travels.

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