The End is Nigh!

No, Alaska Airlines flight 27 is not about to plummet out of the sky with me on it. (At least, I hope not!) I’m referring to the looming release of the exciting new anthology, THE END IS NIGH, from master editor John Joseph Adams.

You may have heard of John and his anthologies. I hope you’ve read a couple. John put together WASTELANDS, which ranked as my favorite anthology . . . until now.

I knew something special was going on with this collection as I read the fifth and then sixth submission. Each story was better than the last, and the first story I read blew my mind. It was a bit daunting to offer editorial suggestions to some of my personal heroes, but that’s what I signed on for. You see, John asked me to co-edit and co-publish this project with him. And he wanted me to submit a story as well. Being involved in this project has been one of the highlights of my writing career. I don’t know that I’ve ever been prouder of anything I’ve published.This is more than just an anthology; it’s going to be a series of three anthologies that look at the events leading up to an apocalypse, the events during an apocalypse, and the aftermath. THE END IS NIGH is the first of these three planned works. The lineup of authors is mind-blowing. We have the first short story from Paolo Bacigalupi in five years (totally worth the wait). We have Charlie Jane Anders if io9 fame (who knocks it out of the park). We have the inimitable Seanan McGuire (how does she find the time?). And get this: Jamie Ford, author of HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET wrote his first work of genre fiction for this anthology (swoon-worth prose from a true master).

We have Scott Sigler and Matthew Mather. Robin Wasserman and Nancy Kress. It’s an embarrassment of riches. Twenty-two stories from twenty-two authors. A mix of indie, traditionally published, and hybrid writers. Every story is brand-new; no reprints here. Oh, and if you’re a fan of WOOL, the anthology includes the first piece I’ve written in that world since DUST. Yeah. That story IN THE AIR that you may have seen on my sidebar. You can read it on Saturday.

The e-book is already up for pre-order. It’s a steal at $6.99. Desirina Boskovitch’s HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON PLANET X is worth that price all on its own. For realz. And the print book is absolutely gorgeous. (Just saw that it’s already discounted!) If you go that route, you can add an e-book for just another 99 cents. Print books are great for anthologies, as you can really skip around, and many of these stories beg to be re-read. You can also use it to collect signatures from these great writers as they swing through your town.

The best thing about all of this is that John and I published the anthology ourselves. That means more of your money is going to the writers involved. These are talented artists who appreciate your support. I hope you get a chance to dig in and that you enjoy the collection as much as I have. Trust me, this is only the beginning.

Of the end.

8 responses to “The End is Nigh!”

  1. Sounds like a must read! As you move on with your plan to change the face of publishing, will you be reaching out to your readers, who might also be writers? Will we have a chance to submit to one of these anthologies? It can’t hurt to ask :-)

    1. Once I get the decks cleared, I’m going to announce a couple things in this arena. I’d love to do more anthologies and help bring recognition to more writers. I just have to carve out the time.

      1. That’s great Hugh! I will wait patiently for the next development in your journey. Once you open up anthologies to your fans, be prepared for an avalanche of submissions!

  2. That’s wonderful. I’ll be on board, if, or when, you decide to open up an anthology for your fans. And, yes, I think you’d probably be peppered with a lot of submissions!

  3. Will the physical version be available in the UK? I have not been able to find it on Amazon yet.

  4. I really like how you are sharing your fame and spending so much effort and time promoting other indie authors. Well-produced anthologies helps us readers choose whom to follow. Especially thanks for the recent plug of Peter Cawdron on facebook, I’ve since read 5 of his stories.

    I think it’s a really good thing that the sci-fi indie world has you as an out-spoken and sharing leader. Keep up the good fight!

  5. Hugh: I was excited to see this on my Kindle when I woke up this morning, and so I treated myself to reading yours first. Fabulous and intriguing. You manage to get a lot of story into a few thousand words.

    I’m happy to know that the subsequent collections will follow the same set-ups/characters, because I wanted to know what happened to your people.

    Now on to the rest of the stories. I LOVE short story collections, having discovered Arthur C. Clarke’s and Ray Bradbury’s stories back in middle school… it’s exciting to see shorts and anthologies emerge again with the new world of e-publishing. And this is a neat combo of self-pubbed, hybrid, and traditionally published authors… is it the first time this has been done, as far as you know?


  6. Sebastien Gagne Avatar
    Sebastien Gagne

    Hi, are there plan on making this available for us Kobo (epub) reader ? This seems like a very good read.

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